
[SOLVED]Can't mount ext3 partition

[SOLVED]Can't mount ext3 partition. I just did pacman -Syu (after new core install), then pacman -S filesystem --force to rid the /etc/mtab ...

Chapter 30. Getting started with an ext3 file system

As a system administrator, you can create, mount, resize, backup, and restore an ext3 file system. The ext3 file system is essentially an enhanced version of ...

mount linux ext3 partition

On my freeBSD 7.2 I try to mount linux ext3 partition installed on the same hard disk, but the mount point is inaccessible.

Mount existing linux EXT3 partition

1. Obtain the ext2fs. · 2. Untar file gzcat ext2fs*. · 3. Become root and install the files by running ./getext2fs as root from the source directory ...

How do you re-mount an ext3 fs readwrite after it gets ...

Its a relatively common problem when something goes wrong in a SAN for ext3 to detect the disk write errors and remount the filesystem read-only.

Mounting an ext3 filesystem with user privileges

I'm trying to mount an ext3 file system from another Linux installation so that the user, not root, will have full access to all the files.

What mount option to use for ext3 file system to minimise data loss ...

I want to use data=journal option for my mount as this offers the best protection against data corruption.

troubleshooting sdb1ext3 that fails to mount

Ok - try mounting manually on the terminal.. you'll need to be the root user or use sudo in front of the commands. First, ...

[SOLVED] Can't access an old HDD with ext3 filesystem on Linux Mint

I found and tried this: Code: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mint Which, in turn, threw back: Code: mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'

how to mount a external hard drive in ext3 format?

So the external hard drive is already formatted as ext3? I believe the command would be something like mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/ ...


[SOLVED]Can'tmountext3partition.Ijustdidpacman-Syu(afternewcoreinstall),thenpacman-Sfilesystem--forcetoridthe/etc/mtab ...,Asasystemadministrator,youcancreate,mount,resize,backup,andrestoreanext3filesystem.Theext3filesystemisessentiallyanenhancedversionof ...,OnmyfreeBSD7.2Itrytomountlinuxext3partitioninstalledonthesameharddisk,butthemountpointisinaccessible.,1.Obtaintheext2fs.·2.Untarfilegzca...